Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Welcome to my website and blog. I’ll be keeping you updated on all things Luna Cove, including all the ups and downs of the writing and editing process, any progress, setbacks, frustrations, and all the behind the scenes stuff that readers don’t get to see. That includes crafting characters, settings, and sketching scenes. You’ll get to see my process of writing this series and get to know more about what makes me tick along the way.

Join me on this journey as I get ready to publish the first book in The Witches of Luna Cove series. I haven’t decided on a title for the first book as of yet; make sure to stay tuned to for updates on that. I’m getting closer to a decision, so bear with me. We’ll do something fun on Title Drop Day.

Before we dive further into the world of Luna Cove, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I was born and raised in the Midwest, where I currently reside with my husband and dog. I love it here for the most part, but I’m growing tired of the endless cold. I’m a beach girl at heart and love the ocean, so I’m hoping that a move to the southeast might be in our future one day. Fingers crossed on that. Besides daydreaming of a new home, I love to travel, especially to the Caribbean, which should come as no surprise since I do love the beach. Other things I enjoy: writing, reading, coffee, wine, music, dancing, and spending time with family and friends.

Now, to give you a tidbit of what the books are about. The Witches of Luna Cove is an adult, paranormal romance series about a coven of reborn witch hybrids. Yes, there is sex, there is violence, and there is swearing. My characters are raw, unfiltered, and pretty snarky at times; I love that about them. They’re not always the cooperative types, sometimes I have to drag all the dirty details out of them. But that’s part of the job and the writing life, which I’ll detail in another post later. The stories are character driven and all have an underlying theme: blood doesn’t make family, the people do. They can fight and disagree with each other, but at the end of the day, they’ll lay their lives down for one another. To them, that’s the definition of family. Not your DNA. I don’t want to get into too much detail about the series and spoil anything for anyone, so I’ll stop right here for now. I do have to say that this series continues to evolve and grow by the day. I couldn’t be more excited to see where this all leads.

All that being said, I want this page to be an escape from reality. So let’s hang out, listen to some music, and have some fun on this crazy rollercoaster ride.

Stay tuned to this site, as I will be getting into how the series was born and how Luna Cove came to be in a few weeks. In the meantime, you can follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Spotify for the latest updates. Until next time.

