Amelia Kayne is a Polish American writer who was born and raised in the U.S. where she currently resides with her husband and dog. She draws inspiration from her Polish heritage, often incorporating aspects of Slavic culture and mythology into her stories.
Growing up she had an active imagination, frequently losing herself in the fictional worlds she would read about. It was her love of books that brought about her passion for storytelling. In her teens, she picked up writing as a secret hobby. Always the night owl, she would keep late hours typing up the stories as they played out in her head. She finished two novels in that short timespan but has never considered publishing them.
After years of schooling and burning out from working in healthcare—which she is still passionate about—she decided to revisit her writing. Fueled by the need to tell the stories she wanted to read, she started writing again. But this time, not just as a hobby. This time, she’s eager and ready to share those tales with the rest of the world.